
This is my first post this year on this blog! So well done me, haha! A little bit about me, I’m 26 year old female, with Ehlers Danlos syndrome & autonomic dysfunction. I’m a wheelchair user with a husband determined to get me to see sites I’ve never been able to get to before! Hopefully…

Hello 2019

Its January and it’s time for me to attempt writing again. I’ve had a rough past few months. But i feel stronger getting through them and learning more about myself. I don’t believe in new years resolutions. I just try now and then to examine what i’m doing and try to do something new or…

Today we went to the shops!

It’s been a while since we could finally go out and do something recreational from being ill. My fasting helped so much yesterday, it’s so nice not worrying about eating and stomach pains. I always feel full, getting stomach pains and I’m always sicking up some of my food. Which is really gross and really…


Today has been another movie day 👌🏼 It’s been really relaxing. After lots of research it seems that having a fast day is good for me. So today I tried it. I used to do it before being with my husband, my hubby gets scared of me doing it so I’ve not done it in…

This week…

Ahhh… this week has been overwhelming all of my usual health, but rather than 7/8 out 10 in pain it’s been mostly 10 out of 10! I’ve been sleeping in the day more than usual, I felt so ill I thought of deleting this blog. But I now have followers, which is wonderful. Even though…

Daily Diary

I’m still here! I haven’t post over the past few days. I would post at the end of my day, but I’ve been too exhausted to do it. It’s been lovely hot weather where I live. So I’ve put my all into going out with my husband the past couple of days. He’s so caring,…

I got some fresh air

Today I had a couple of appointments, the first one went well. It was to book more appointments, so I’m glad that’s done finally! My other appointment went well too, I’ve been booked in for a couple of other things with that also. I am so pleased I’m getting help with my health, really feel…

Day Entry 11 💕

So today I had an appointment. I find going out a big challenge, I get panicky and sometimes tearful if it’s changed last minuet. So when I get an appointment or agree to do something with someone, at the time of arranging it I’m buzzing so excited. Then a bit later in the day, the…


Today has been a day of pain, I think my body doesn’t like getting an added illness and it kind of goes in shut down mode. The pain gets so intense, i feel like I’ve been in an accident and have the flu. Also I fell over yesterday, my knee it’s rather sore today covered…

Day 9 & 10

Yesterday I was too ill to even contemplate writing my diary. I was feeling ill all day. I get pain in my stomach because of the Gastroparesis, every day it’s different some days worse than others. Yesterday was so uncomfortable, I did mindfulness to keep calm about the pain. But I just couldn’t get comfortable…